Go Team Megan

The annals of a woman who often forgets she has a blog.

Interests are Interesting

I have a lot of interests, that don’t always… mesh well together. My mains all come from a place of feminism which is a scary scary word that means I think that women are equal to men. This includes being a doula and birth activism as well as any of the activism I participate in including LGBT rights (I’m not L, G, B, nor T but I know that these letters stand for thinking, feeling people) pro-choice (obvs) abuse of any kind (including animals) and of course stand-up comedy.  If you heard my set you’d get why. (Als0: my complete adoration of Maria Bamford started me on that comedy journey.)

Anyhoosle, those interests do kind of go together. The only oddball in my interests would be my love of Disney World. (This is where there’d be a record scratch. For you kids at home, a record is like a cd… which is like an MP3 that you can physically touch)Yeah. Come at me. I fucking love Walt Disney World. I am an adult woman with no kids and all I want to do is ride Livin’ With The Land and get a Grey Goose Slushie. I want to get out of Pirates and grab a Dole Whip. I want to get carded for a frozen Margarita and sip it while I wait for Fantasmic! I want to go on Kilimanjaro Safaris and then get something with a paper straw. I WANT TO FIND ALL OF THE HIDDEN MICKEYS!!!

My baby bro, Nerd, and I even ran ourselves a li’l race there: darth runner

Yeah we met Darth Vader on mile 10. LIKE YOU DO. Because Disney World is the FUCKING BEST.

The interesting juxtaposition of these hobbies and interests produce a rather eclectic Twitter following, with Disney, Comedy, Birth, and Activism fans alike unfollowing me in droves. YES I could create separate accounts for different things, but I like me. I like that I can tweet about 101 trip planning tips and 2 minutes later call a misogynist a dickhole. I like that I can follow that up with a recipe for Vegan Lentil Stew and an article on circumcision. All of these things have value and make me me. And Twitter isn’t a popularity contest. Ok actually yes it’s totally that but it’s also a great medium in which to interact with all kinds of people. Some of them suck, but some of them are really totally cool. Through Disney & Twitter I met some really cool Christians who disagree with me on some political issues but are willing to talk with me about them with civility. I also met some radically awesome hippy activists who would never give money to a multi-million dollar corporation but have my back at all times. I would estimate that with no exaggeration whatsoever I’ve lost approximately 10 times as many followers as I currently have, but that’s cool; our little Megan Community is pretty fucking rad.

Also: Neil deGrasse Tyson

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One thought on “Interests are Interesting

  1. Wish I could run for more than like 40 feet

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